About Me

Zihan Zhou
A jewellery maker.
Website: www.zihanzhou.com
2022-Now Loughborough University
Doctoral Candidate in Creative Arts
2017-2018 Birmingham City University (BCU)
MA in Jewellery and Related Products
2013-2017 China University of Geosciences, Beijing
BA in Product Design
2D Design Fashion Jewellery QVC Design Gold Award, Goldsmith Craftsmanship & Design Award 2019
2023.10 "Extreme Making: Expansive Methods and Critical Themes in Design Doctoral Research and Education", Reid Gallery, Glasgow Link
2022.11 "Jewellery for Life: Jewellery Art & Design in Higher Education at Loughborough" Group exhibition, Design School Building, Loughborough Link
2021.10 "Intimate Relationships" Contemporary Art Jewelry Exhibition, M50 Art Space, Shanghai Link
2021.10 "Intimate Relationships" Contemporary Art Jewelry Exhibition, Lanng Space, Beijing Link
2019.03 "Beautiful Darkness", Fox Gallery, Beijing Link
2019.02 Exhibition of Award-winning work and selected entries from the Goldsmith Craftsmanship & Design Awards 2019, Goldsmiths' Hall, London Link
2019.03 "Polyphonous:2019", Schmuck 2019, Munich Jewellery Week Link
2018.09 MA Graduation Show, "Oscillations", Birmingham School of Art, UK Link
2017.05 "Life As Barbie "the 14th Jewellery Culture Festival & Fashion Show, China University of Geosciences, Beijing Link
2017.05 BA Graduation Show, "非常饰", Gallery of Jewellery School, China University of Geosciences, Beijing Link